Super Spring Activities for your ESL Classroom

Spring is the season of new life and growth. This time of year can be an excellent opportunity to plant new vocabulary in your students’ minds. Just as the flowers outside do, the following five super spring activities are ideal for supporting your children to blossom.

Spring Walk

Getting out and about into the great outdoors is an excellent way to consolidate newly learned words. You could give children a camera or a device with which they can take photographs and allow them to snap away at all the signs of springtime. Encourage them to practice pointing to key items and saying the words in English. When you return to school, print off the photographs and encourage children to label them. For those learners whose English is more advanced, they should be supported to write captions or full sentences. 

File Folder Initial Sounds

This game is a firm favorite amongst younger children. Grab a selection of magnetic letters and hide them inside a pan filled with sensory items such as packing peanuts, pasta shells, lentils (dried) or your own choice. Children should either use their hands or a spoon to retrieve a letter. Once they have done that, they should find a corresponding picture. For example, if they find the letter ‘n’, they should match it to the image of a nest. This spring file folder contains an array of resources that would make this game easier to prepare.

Word Searches

Word searches can fill that small slot you have and support your children to learn essential new language. This spring-themed vocab pack is perfect and contains a word search, among other things, ready to print. Children could also have a go at creating their own word searches if you provide them with squared paper. They could even expand their spring-based knowledge by using a bilingual dictionary to look up extra words.

Answer the Room

Another kinesthetic activity, Answer the Room is an excellent way to keep children motivated, engaged and applying their learning within a different context. This pack contains everything you’ll need to set up the activity. Simply provide your students with the clipboards and encourage them to find the questions, read them, and then write the answers down clearly and concisely, checking spellings carefully. It is such a fun activity that it is no wonder it is an all-time class favorite. Laminate the cards to ensure you can just file it away ready for the following year.

True or False?

This is a variation on the interview idea that we shared with the winter activities. Provide each pair of students with some of the question prompts available here. Next, ask them to decide who will be the interviewer and who is the interviewee who will then either be expected to give two possible answers verbally or written once asked a question such as What are some signs that spring is almost here? The person asking the question should try to decide which answer is true and which is false. The students then swap for the next question. It can be fun as the kids can practice using key spring-related (and more!) vocabulary without their answers having to be the truth. 

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