Bring poems to life in your ESL classroom!

There are many ways to incorporate poetry into the ESL classroom.  One way to engage your ESL students in poetry is to have them create poems using props. For example, you can give each student an object and have them write a poem about it. This can be done individually or in small groups. Another way to use poems in the classroom is to have students perform them. This can be done as a group or individually. If you have props, you can use them to help students understand the meaning of the poem.

Props can be anything from small toys to pieces of cloth to realia. Using props with poems allows students to connect with the poem on a physical level, which can lead to a deeper understanding and enjoyment of the poem. Here are some ideas for using props with poems in the ESL classroom:

More ideas:

Incorporate poems into your daily lesson plans

Have students recite poems as a form of assessment

Use poems to introduce new vocabulary words

Ask students to write their own poems

Display poems around the classroomHave students memorize and recite poems

Have students read poems aloud in class

Use poems as the basis for class discussions and writing prompts

Assign poems as homework for students to read and analyze

Use poems to teach new vocabulary words

Have students write their own poems based on a given prompt

All in all, the best way to use poems and props in the ESL classroom is to let your students be as creative as possible. Encourage them to come up with their own ideas and experiment with the materials you have available. The more they engage with the material, the more they will learn. And who knows, you might just end up with a few new ideas yourself!

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